We are half human half bacteria is a metal and fabric half-hemispheric structure covered by plaster measuring 8'x4'x2'. The "continents" are soaked with culture media, allowing airborne micro-organisms to -eventually- grow. This new world colonization is documented in the Bacterial geopolitcs journal.
November 20th,2017
CSUSB, Sculpture office, left corner
Air-born bacteria from Sculpture room invaded America during the night. Small colonies of Serratia marcescens (red, opportunistic- but so gore- ) have been seen in Northern Canada and Guyana. Some orange populations, still unknow, settled some Pacific’s islands.
Bacterial Geopolitics
November 27th,2017
Use of chemical weapons in the Northern part of America
Aspergillus niger (spotty black fungi, called black mold when on walls- but Kambucha when we drink it) claimed the Northern territories – considering its ancestors settled in walls and plaster for centuries. Serratia marescens have not conceded any territories, and is invading South America. Penicillium (greenish fungi, produces penicillin) took advantage of the situation and spread mortal antibiotics on its enemies.
Bacterial Geopolitics
December 5th,2017
Penicillium took Canada and some part of US. South America is under attack. Populations are suffering, devastated by the chemical weapon. United Nation asked Aspergillus niger to respond to those acts. Some experts are afraid of the Aspergillus expansionist politic.
Inspired by the Appolo of the Belvedere torso, this man-made man has a living vitro-culture of trangenic beet instead of heart, and plumbing pipes (coper and plastic) as vascular vessels